
Will your workplace violence prevention program be ready by July 1, 2024?
April 16, 2024 - June 20th, 2024
Yes! I’m already in compliance or will be by the deadline! 24% (64 votes)
I think so. We’re working on it. 47% (127 votes)
No, I don’t know where to begin! 25% (67 votes)
Huh? What’s a workplace violence prevention program? 5% (14 votes)
How familiar are you with record retention requirements?
January 31st, 2024 - April 16, 2024
Yes, I’ve posted the updated Wage Order for my industry/industries as required by law. 76% (112 votes)
No, but I will do so shortly. 12% (17 votes)
Nope. What’s a Wage Order? 12% (18 votes)
What new 2024 employment law are you most prepared for?
November 20, 2023 - January 31st, 2024
The new workplace violence standards. 6% (9 votes)
The paid sick leave expansion. 72% (107 votes)
The new minimum wages for the health care or fast food industries. 3% (5 votes)
None of them – help! 18% (27 votes)
How familiar are you with record retention requirements?
October 4th, 2023 - November 20, 2023
I know everything! 8% (10 votes)
Somewhat familiar, but I could use a refresher. 81% (105 votes)
Not at all. Please help. 11% (14 votes)
Has your company’s dress code changed since the COVID-19 pandemic?
August 21, 2023 - October 4th, 2023
Yes, it’s gotten more casual. 44% (51 votes)
Yes, it’s more formal now. 1% (1 vote)
No, our dress code is the same. 53% (62 votes)
Dress code? We’re all remote now. 2% (2 votes)
Does your company use any artificial intelligence (AI) solutions or tools?
July 11, 2023 - August 21, 2023
Yes, we use extensively. 2% (1 votes)
Yes, we use minimally. 15% (10 votes)
No, we don't use AI but plan to in the future. 14% (9 votes)
No, we do not use AI at all. 70% (46 votes)
Are you worried about having to lay off employees?
June 8, 2023 - July 11, 2023
Yes, we’re worried about the economy. 30% (24 votes)
Nope, we’re good as-is! 21% (17 votes)
Not at all, we plan on hiring! 36% (29 votes)
Not sure yet. 13% (10 votes)
Will your company recruit and hire new employees this spring?
March 29, 2023 - June 8, 2023
Yes, we will! 64% (117 votes)
No, we won’t. 15% (28 votes)
We haven’t decided yet. 5% (9 votes)
We've already been doing it! 15% (28 votes)
Are you concerned the NCAA “March Madness” tournament will distract your employees?
Feb 27, 2023 - March 29, 2023
We’re very concerned. 0% (0 votes)
We’re a little concerned. 5% (3 votes)
We’re not really that worried. 77% (44 votes)
What’s March Madness? 18% (10 votes)
For 2023, what are your company's work environment plans?
Jan 6, 2023 - Feb 27, 2023
Get everyone back in the office full time. 36% (27 votes)
All employees will still work remotely. 5% (4 votes)
We're continuing with the hybrid office/remote workforce. 58% (43 votes)
Which law going to effect in 2023 are you most concerned about?
Nov 21, 2022 - Jan 6, 2023
The expansion of California’s pay data reporting requirements. 57% (88 votes)
Bereavement leave becoming a protected leave of absence. 10% (15 votes)
The “designated person” expansion under the CFRA and California’s PSL law. 21% (33 votes)
Something else. 12% (19 votes)
How familiar are you with how the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) will apply to employee data beginning 1/1/23?
Oct 11, 2022 - Nov 21, 2022
Extremely familiar — I’ll be ready January 1. 8% (10 votes)
I have a basic understanding but need help. 38% (48 votes)
Wait, is the CPRA like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and what’s happening on January 1? 54% (68 votes)
Does your company offer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training to employees?
July 18, 2022 - Oct 11, 2022
Yes. 35% (74 votes)
No. 54% (114 votes)
What's that? 10% (22 votes)
Does the local minimum wage rate for your jurisdiction increase on July 1?
June 06, 2022 - Jul7 18, 2022
Yes. 33% (47 votes)
No. 47% (68 votes)
I should check. 20% (29 votes)
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Are you aware of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline?
May 9, 2022 - June 06, 2022
Yes, 1-800-273-TALK. 30% (13 votes)
Yes, but I didn’t know the number until now. 64% (28 votes)
Never heard of it. 7% (3 votes)
What on the mandatory 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave law do you most need clarification?
Feb 22, 2022 - May 09, 2022
Eligibility and the qualifying reasons. 36% (37 votes)
How to apply it retroactively. 25% (26 votes)
How it interacts with exclusion pay. 39% (40 votes)
How are you conducting COVID-19 testing in the workplace?
Jan 18, 2022 - Feb 22, 2022
Using a testing vendor at the workplace 6% (9 votes)
Directing employees to community testing centers 38% (58 votes)
Providing self-test kits to employees 37% (56 votes)
None of the options above 19% (29 votes)
For 2022, what are your company's plans for a work environment?
Dec 20, 2021 - Jan 18, 2022
Everyone in the office. 48% (60)
All working remote. 4% (5)
Hybrid office/remote workforce. 48% (61)
Of these new 2022 California employment law topics, which one most interests you?
Aug 9, 2021 - December 20, 2021
California Family Rights Act 27% (38 votes)
Safety and Wage Enforcement and Penalties 23% (32 votes)
COVID-19 43% (61 votes)
Worker Classification 8% (11 votes)
What best describes your work-life balance since the COVID lockdown?
June 1, 2021 - Aug 9, 2021
Business as usual. 47% (198)
I'm never unplugged. 36% (153)
Making more time for "life". 17% (74)
Which of the following best describes your company's current working status?
March 15, 2021 - June 1, 2021
Almost 100 percent remote. 28% (207)
50/50 remote and office. 32% (241)
We're all back in the office. 40% (303)
How does the California Family Rights Act expansion impact you?
February 1, 2021 - March 15, 2021
We're new to CFRA - please help us! 34% (53)
We're CFRA veterans, just have to tweak some things. 55% (86)
Uh oh, am I supposed to comply with CFRA? 11% (17)
COVID-19: When does your company plan to bring everyone back to the office?
October 26, 2020 - December 30, 2020
We're back already 60% (303)
November-December 1% (5)
January-February 7% (37)
March-April 8% (39)
After April sometime 24% (121)
Is it OK to talk politics with colleagues?
October 6, 2020 - October 26, 2020
Yes 8% (16)
No, never 34% (72)
It depends on the situation 59% (125)
How confident are you in your COVID health and safety protocols now that businesses are being fined?
Sept 17, 2020 - October 6, 2020
Very confident 41% (32)
Confident 32% (25)
Not so much 18% (14)
I could use some help 9% (7)
Can businesses change their vacation policies because of employees not using their time during COVID-19?
Sept 1, 2020 - Sept 17, 2020
Yes 41% (70)
no 22% (38)
That's a tricky question 37% (63)
How would you categorize the level of your business' diversity?
July 31, 2020 - Sept 1, 2020
High 26% (36)
Average 47% (66)
Low 27% (37)
COVID-19: If an employee has been sick, do we have to let them come back to work?
July 6, 2020 - July 31, 2020
Yes 46% (147)
No 45% (145)
I need to look that up 10% (31)
COVID-19 Pandemic: Can an employee refuse to return to work?
June 9, 2020 - July 6, 2020
Yes 56% (214)
No 19% (73)
I need to learn more 25% (94)
What is your organization's plan when the the shelter-in-place orders are lifted?
May. 14, 2020 - June 9, 2020
Everyone back to the office 29% (103)
Some back, some work remotely 53% (191)
All work remotely 8% (28)
We're not sure 10% (36)
What aspect of COVID-19 is most concerning to you?
April 16, 2020 - May 14th, 2020
Navigating paid leave options 23% (80)
Laying off or furloughing employees 23% (81)
The uncertainty of it all 54% (188)
How concerned are you about COVID-19?
April 1, 2020 – April 16, 2020
Very concerned 78% (204)
Somewhat concerned 18% (46)
Not at all concerned 5% (12)
Has COVID-19, the coronavirus, affected your business?
Mar. 10, 2020 – April 1, 2020
Yes, directly 69% (642)
Yes, indirectly 23% (215)
No 8% (72)
Which movie title best describes your experience with HR?
Feb. 18, 2020 - Mar. 10, 2020
It's a Wonderful Life 16% (32)
Groundhog Day 26% (53)
Mission Impossible 36% (74)
Idiocracy 22% (46)
Is a written lactation accommodation policy mandatory for California employers?
Jan. 30, 2020 - Feb. 18, 2020
Yes 90% (314)
No 7% (26)
Um ... let me look it up 2% (7)
Which device does your company's employees use most to take online training?
Jan. 7, 2020 - Jan. 30, 2020
Desktop computer 67% (156)
Laptop 28% (65)
Tablet 2% (4)
Smartphone 3% (8)
How festive does your business get during the holidays?
Dec. 19, 2019 - Jan. 7, 2020
We don't do anything 11% (17)
Somewhat 47% (70)
We like to have fun 30% (45)
Yeeha!!! 11% (17)
Is your commute stressful? How long does it usually take?
Dec. 2, 2019 - Dec. 19, 2019
Less than 30 minutes 35% (87)
30 to 60 minutes 38% (95)
Over 1 hour 20% (49)
Commute? What commute? 7% (18)
Does your local jurisdiction have a new local minimum wage ordinance starting January 1?
Nov. 18, 2019 – Dec. 2, 2019
Yes 42% (35)
No 36% (30)
I should check 23% (19)
Do you think daylight savings time has a more positive or negative effect on your business?
Nov. 1, 2019 – Nov. 18, 2019
Positive 10% (20)
Negative 54% (103)
No Effect 36% (68)
Has your business been affected by the California power outages?
Oct. 15, 2019 – Nov. 1, 2019
Yes, directly 20% (42)
Yes, indirectly 9% (19)
No 71% (152)
Do you stick to a strict list of questions when interviewing job candidates, or do you deviate?
Oct. 1, 2019 – Oct. 15, 2019
I stick to my strict list 27% (39)
I leave my options open 73% (103)
Has an employee ever "ghosted" your business?
Sept. 16, 2019 – Oct. 1, 2019
Yes 78% (116)
No 13% (19)
Yes, but I didn't care 9% (13)
Does your business have employees outside California?
Sept. 4, 2019 – Sept. 16, 2019
Yes 50% (91)
No 48% (88)
No, but maybe in the future 2% (3)
How many job openings does your company post a year?
Aug. 1, 2019 – Sept. 4, 2019
1-5 28% (62)
6-10 16% (35)
11-25 17% (37)
More than 25 40% (90)
Does your business have dress code guidelines (policy)?
June 16, 2019 – Aug. 1, 2019
Yes 43% (88)
Yes, they must wear uniforms 10% (20)
No, but we expect good choices 40% (82)
Whatever they want to wear is fine 7% (14)
What do you see as your business's biggest HR risk?
June 17, 2019 – July 16, 2019
Harassment 11% (18)
Managing leaves of absence 29% (46)
Worker misclassification 18% (29)
Meal and Rest Break Rules 41% (64)
Which company "perk" do you think your employees would want mosts?
May 31, 2019 – June 17, 2019
Flexible scheduling 63% (114)
Early closing on Friday 29% (52)
More relaxed dress code 4% (8)
More company activities 3% (6)
Has California law related to marijuana use affected your business?
May 9, 2019 – May 31, 2019
Yes 22% (41)
No 48% (88)
Too soon to tell 25% (46)
Whoa dude, what law? 5% (9)
Where do you get your wage order for posting?
April 18, 2019 – May 9, 2019
CalChamber 70% (80)
Government website 17% (19)
Other company 14% (16)
Do you know that your business must post a wage order?
April 8, 2019 – April 18, 2019
Yes 94% (132)
No 6% (9)
Do you allow March Madness activities at your business?
Mar. 20, 2019 – April 8, 2019
Yes, officially 11% (14)
Yes, unofficially 43% (55)
No, they need to get back to work 46% (59)
How will your employees be taking the new CA Harassment Prevention training?
Feb. 20, 2018 – Mar. 20, 2019
Live, Onsite - My business location 23% (53)
Live, Offsite - Trainer's location 1% (2)
Online - Computer, Smartphone 55% (125)
I don't know yet 21% (49)
Which device do you and your company's employees use most to take online training?
Feb. 1, 2019 – Feb. 20, 2019
Desktop Computer 67% (122)
Laptop 28% (50)
Tablet 2% (3)
Smartphone 3% (6)
Are you aware of the new California law that requires employers with 5 or more employees to provide 1 hour of training to all nonsupervisory employees and 2 hours for supervisors?
Jan. 15, 2019 – Feb. 1, 2019
Yes 95% (256)
No 5% (13)
Which song title best describes your experience with HR?
Dec. 19, 2018 – Jan. 15, 2019
Easy (Like Sunday Morning) 4% (9)
Help 11% (25)
Taking Care of Business 45% (106)
Here I Go Again 40% (94)
Which section of HRCalifornia is normally the first place you go to solve your problem?
Nov. 30, 2018 - Dec. 19, 2018
HR Library 58% (68)
Local Ordinances 7% (8)
Forms & Tools 22% (26)
Cases & News 3% (4)
Labor Law Helpline 9% (11)
Which type of leave of absence is the most difficult to understand?
Nov. 14, 2018 – Nov. 30, 2018
Family, Medical and Parental Leave 64% (102)
Pregnancy Disability Leave 18% (28)
Paid Sick Leave 12% (19)
Vacation and Paid Time Off 6% (10)
Do you normally give your employees the day off for major holidays?
Nov. 1, 2018 – Nov. 13, 2018
Yes 90% (169)
Yes, but only a partial day 3% (5)
No 7% (14)
How do you provide Harassment Prevention Training to your California employees?
Oct. 16, 2018 – Nov. 1, 2018
Online 61% (111)
Live (in-person) 33% (60)
We don't 7% (12)
Do you think daylight savings time has a more positive or negative effect on your business?
Oct. 1, 2018 – Oct. 15, 2018
Positive 16% (27)
Negative 51% (87)
No effect 33% (55)
Do you review job candidates’ public social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?
Sept. 16, 2018 – Oct. 1, 2018
Yes 31% (42)
No 69% (92)
Has your business been affected by the California fires?
Sept. 4, 2018 – Sept. 16, 2018
Yes, directly 10% (18)
Yes, indirectly 16% (29)
No 73% (129)