Details on what our employment notices contain are listed below:

(To print this chart, download the printable version.)

Poster Name     Posting Requirements Source Who Must Post Version/Date


Employee Polygraph Protection Act The poster must be displayed where employees and applicants for employment can readily observe it. Federal Dept of Labor All Employers WHD Pub. 1462 and WHD 1462 SPA Rev 02/22
EEO Know Your Rights: Discrimination in the Workplace Is Illegal Post copies of the poster in conspicuous places available to employees, applicants for employment, and representatives of labor organizations with which there is a collective bargaining agreement. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission All Employers (Revised 6/27/2023)
(Actualizado 6/27/2023)
Family and Medical Leave Act Covered employers are required to display a copy of the poster prepared by the Department of Labor summarizing the major portions of the FMLA. Where an employer's workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate. Federal Dept of Labor Employers of 50 or more employees and all "public agencies" WH 1420 Rev 04/23
WH1420 SPA Rev 04/23
Federal Minimum Wage Every employer of employees subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage provisions must post, and keep posted, a notice explaining the Act in a conspicuous place in all of their establishments so as to permit employees to readily read it. Both the state and federal minimum wage posters must be posted, even though California's minimum wage is currently higher than the federal minimum wage. Federal Dept of Labor All Employers WH 1088 and WH 1088 SPA Rev 04/23
Your Rights Under USERRA (Veterans Benefits) Employers may provide the notice, "Your Rights Under USERRA," by posting it where employee notices are customarily placed. This posting must be in English. U.S. Dept. of Labor All Employers May 2022
Mayo 2022


Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave Covered employers must provide notice to employees of the right to request CFRA leave in a conspicuous place where employees tend to congregate. The employer may include both pregnancy disability leave and CFRA leave in one notice. Any employer whose workforce at any facility or establishment contains 10 percent or more of persons who speak a language other than English as their primary language must translate the notice into the language or languages spoken by this group or these groups of employees. Dept of Fair Employment and Housing All employers with 5 or more employees and all public agencies CRD-100-21ENG
January 2025
Enero de 2025
California Minimum Wage The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information related to wages, hours and working conditions in an area frequented by applicants and employees where it may be easily read during the workday. Both the state and federal minimum wage posters must be posted, even though California's minimum wage is currently higher than the federal minimum wage. In addition to English, this poster must also be posted in Spanish (requirement stated by Industrial Welfare Commission). Industrial Welfare Commission All employers


Minimum Wage Order Supplement for Fast Food Restaurant Employees The Department of Industrial Relations requires all California fast food restaurant employers to post information related to the minimum wage for fast food restaurant employees in an area frequented by applicants and employees where it may be easily read during the workday. Both the state and federal minimum wage posters must also be posted. Industrial Welfare Commission All California fast food restaurant employers


Minimum Wage Order Supplement for Health Care Employees The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information related to wages, hours and working conditions in an area frequented by applicants and employees where it may be easily read during the workday. This supplement to California’s Minimum Wage Order applies to health care facility employers as defined in Labor Code section 1182.14. Industrial Welfare Commission All covered health care facility employers


California Wage Orders* The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information related to wages, hours and working conditions in an area frequented by applicants and employees where it may be easily read during the workday. Dept of Industrial Relations All employers

All Wage Orders

English Wage Orders
Rev. 11/2024

California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment The Department of Fair Employment and Housing requires employers to post information related to the prohibition against discrimination and harassment in a conspicuous place. Employers employing significant numbers, no less than 10 percent of their work force, of non-English speaking persons (e.g., Chinese or Spanish speaking) at any facility or establishment must also post in the appropriate foreign language at each such facility or establishment. Dept of Fair Employment and Housing All employers CRD-E07P-ENG
January 2025
Enero de 2025
Emergency Phone Numbers The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post a list of telephone numbers of emergency responders. Must be posted near the job telephone, telephone switchboard, or otherwise made available where no job site telephone exists. Dept of Industrial Relations/ Division of Occupational Safety & Health All Employers S-500
March 1990
Healthy Workplaces/ Healthy Families Act of 2014 Paid Sick Leave Poster This poster advises employees of their sick leave rights under the new law. Division of Workers' Compensation All employers 11/2023
Notice to Employees – Injuries
Caused By Work
The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information advising employees of workers' compensation benefits in a conspicuous location frequented by employees where it can be easily read during the workday. This poster should be posted in English and Spanish if an employer has Spanish-speaking employees. Division of Workers' Compensation All employers DWC 7
Revised 10/24
Notice to Employees - UI, SDI, PFL The Employment Development Department requires covered employers to post information regarding unemployment insurance, state disability insurance, and paid family leave in a prominent location that is easily seen by employees. EDD posting DE 1857D gives employees notice of their rights under the Unemployment Insurance program and is intended for use by employers who are not subject to SDI/PFL. CalChamber includes the DE 1857A because it contains not only the UI information but the SDI/PFL information as well. Employment Development Department All employers

DE 1857A
Rev. 45 (1/22)
DE 1857A/S
Rev. 45 (1/22)

Pay Day Notice The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information regarding pay days in a conspicuous place at the place of work, or otherwise where it can be seen as employees come or go to their places of work, or at the office or nearest agency for payment kept by the employer. Department of Industrial Relations All employers DLSE 8
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee Covered employers shall provide notice to employees of the right to request pregnancy disability leave in a conspicuous place where employees tend to congregate. Dept of Fair Employment and Housing All employers with 5 or more employees CRD-E09P-ENG
January 2023
Febrero 2023
Safety and Health Protection on the Job (Cal/OSHA) The Division of Occupational Safety and Health requires employers to post information on pertinent safety laws and regulations and rights of employees in a conspicuous place where notices are customarily posted. The notice shall be posted at each location to which employees report each day. Department of Industrial Relations All employers November 2023
Noviembre de 2023
Time Off to Vote The California Secretary of State requires employers to post information regarding employees' right to take time off to vote. The notice must be posted at least 10 days before a state-wide election. California Secretary of State All employers No version number
No date
Transgender Rights in the Workplace The Department of Fair Employment and Housing requires employees to post information on transgender rights in a conspicuous place. If 10 percent or more of a company's workforce speaks a language other than English, post in that language (or languages).
Department of Fair Employment and Housing All employers CRD-E04P-ENG
December 2023
Febrero 2024
Whistleblower Protections Employers must prominently display a list of employees' rights under the whistleblower laws, including the telephone number of a whistleblower hotline maintained by the Office of the Attorney General. Lettering must be larger than size 14 point type. Department of Industrial Relations All employers Updated for 2025

Local Ordinances

Many localities have their own posting requirements. CalChamber's Local Ordinances section features detailed information on local employment-related ordinances in California, including minimum wage ordinances. The Local Ordinances section covers the ordinances that may apply and offers a convenient wizard to help employers determine which local ordinances they might need to comply with and any posting requirements

CalChamber provides many posters in the CalChamber Store, including posters for other states.

Check with your local city and county government to determine if there are any additional local postings that may apply to your workforce.
*Download and post a copy of the Wage Order that applies to your business. Not sure which Wage Order applies? Our Wage Order Wizard can help