2024 Midyear Employment Law Update


2024 Midyear Employment Law Update


Usually, the busiest time of the year revolves around new laws taking effect on January 1. But over the last few years, a trend has emerged in which several labor and employment law developments occur throughout the year — and 2024 is no exception.

In fact, this year, not only are laws taking effect mid-year, but we also have new regulations, local ordinance updates and court cases — all of which are keeping employers quite busy.

Read CalChamber's free white paper, Your 2024 Midyear Employment Law Update, for a summary of employment law developments in 2024 so far, including:

  • Minimum wage updates;
  • Private Attorneys General Act reform legislation;
  • Workplace violence prevention requirements;
  • Indoor heat regulations;
  • Federal pregnancy accommodation regulations; and
  • The latest employment law decisions from the courts.

Look to CalChamber’s employment law experts — and our convenient HR compliance products and services — for up-to-date and comprehensive employment law information.

Published July 8, 2024

About CalChamber

CalChamber is the largest, broad-based business advocate, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable, easy-to-use compliance products and services.


Free White Paper