Workplace Violence Prevention for California Employers

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Effective July 1, 2024, California employers covered by general industry workplace violence prevention requirements enacted through Senate Bill 553 have a number of new obligations, including developing and implementing a workplace violence prevention plan; training employees on the plan; identifying, evaluating and correcting workplace violence hazards; creating workplace violence incident logs; and various recordkeeping requirements. 

This white paper details what employers should know about the new workplace violence prevention requirements, including:
Which employers are covered.
What qualifies as workplace violence.
What a workplace violence prevention plan is.
What type of training is required.
How employers can identify workplace violence hazards and respond to workplace violence incidents. 
What documentation is required under the law.

Published May 22, 2024

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As a not-for-profit, CalChamber is a business advocate and expert HR compliance resource for California employers. Our legislative presence at the State Capitol means we know California employment laws inside and out. We monitor, analyze and report changes as they happen, turning our expertise into products and services that help businesses more easily understand and comply with complex laws and regulations.


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