HR Forms and Checklists

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Spanish Forms

  • Absence Request — Spanish
    Employees may use this form when requesting future time off or reporting previous time off. Remember employees can take mandatory paid sick leave upon verbal or written request. This form also gives your employees the opportunity to indicate a family and medical leave of absence, although it is not required.​​​​
  • Basic Poster and Notice Requirements Under the Family, Medical and Pregnancy Leave Laws - Spanish
    Review this chart to determine your responsibilities under family, medical and pregnancy leave laws. ​​​
  • California Family Rights Act Fact Sheet - Spanish
    This fact sheet outlines an employee’s right for leave under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).​ You may choose to give this fact sheet to each employee eligible for CFRA and/or who requests leave that qualifies as CFRA, but there's no requirement that you do so.​
  • Certification of Health Care Provider — Employee's or Family Member's Serious Health Condition — Spanish
    Have the employee's health care provider complete this medical certification as needed. This form is used for employee's taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) for their own serious health condition or that of a family member.​​​
  • Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee Return to Work - Spanish
    An employee may use this notice to have their health care provider certify that they may return to work.
  • Certification of Health Care Provider for Pregnancy Disability Leave, Transfer And/Or Reasonable Accommodation - Spanish
    Have the employee's health care provider complete this medical certification as needed. This form is used for employee's seeking reasonable accommodation, transfer or Pregnancy Disability Leave for pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition.
  • CFRA Notice and CFRA/FMLA Designation (50 or More Employees) — Spanish
    Use this form to give employees notice of their rights under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and to designate leave as CFRA and/or Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), to provide conditional approval of the request for leave if more information is necessary or to deny the request.
  • CFRA Notice and Designation (Five to 49 Employees) — Spanish
    Use this form to give employees notice of their rights under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and to designate leave as CFRA, to provide conditional approval of the request for CFRA leave if more information is necessary, or to deny the request.
  • CFRA Sample Policy - 50 or More Employees - Spanish
    Use this sample to create your policy that communicates any employee requirements and gives notice to your employee of their right to California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. Use this version if you have 50 or more employees.
  • CFRA Sample Policy - Five to 49 Employees - Spanish
    Use this sample to create your policy that communicates any employee requirements and gives notice to your employee of their right to California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. Use this version if you have five to 49 employees.
  • CFRA/FMLA - Family Member Leave for a Qualifying Exigency - Spanish
    This chart describes the types of events that give an eligible employee a reason for leave because of a qualifying exigency under the CFRA/FMLA arising because the spouse, son or child of the employee is on covered active duty or call to active duty.​ ​
  • CHIP — Children's Health Insurance Program — Model Notice for Employers — Spanish
    If you are eligible for health coverage from your employer, but are unable to afford the premiums, some states have premium assistance programs that can help pay for coverage. These states use funds from their Medicaid or CHIP programs to help people who are eligible for employer-sponsored health coverage but need assistance in paying their health premiums. 
  • DE4 — California Employee's Withholding Certificate — Spanish
    Updated | Free
    Copy and distribute this form from the EDD to employees so they can determine their withholding allowances.
  • Direct Deposit Authorization - Spanish
    Give this form to an employee who requests his pay delivered by direct deposit to one or more bank accounts. Before distribution, indicate the maximum number of direct deposit accounts and financial institutions.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy - Spanish
    A diversity, equity and inclusion policy can demonstrate your commitment to fostering a diverse workforce, providing the opportunity for advancement for all individuals and ensuring equity in the workplace for all employees.
    This policy goes above and beyond the required Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention policy by not simply complying with the law that prohibits discrimination or harassment against employees on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristics; it communicates to your employees that such differences are celebrated and viewed as assets to your Company.
  • Earned Income Tax Credit — Consent to Receive Electronic Notices — Spanish
    Provide this form for employees to consent to electronically receive the Earned Income Tax Credit notice as well as other notices, statements or materials required under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 19853(a)(1).
  • Earned Income Tax Credit — Employer Required Notification — Spanish
    Provide this Spanish form to employees along with their W-2 or 1099 to notify them of their rights under the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, CalFile, and the federal and California Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program.
  • Employment Application - Long Form - Spanish
    Use this form for new applicants. The long form includes space for more detailed information and employment history, and all other necessary sections. Remember that California prohibits employers from seeking criminal history information prior to a conditional job offer. California also prohibits employers from asking job applicants about their prior salary history. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this employment application form.
  • Employment Application - Short Form - Spanish
    Use this form for new applicants. The short form requires less employment history information.​ Remember that California prohibits employers from seeking criminal history information prior to a conditional job offer. California also prohibits employers from asking job applicants about their prior salary history.​​ Download and read the Instructions prior to using this employment application form.
  • Employment Offer Letter - Spanish
    Use this letter to convey information to a new employee about whom they will report to, job title, starting date and time, rate of pay and classification. This letter is simply for an employee’s information and is not to be used or construed as a contract of employment.
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act - Summary of Your Rights - Spanish
    ​Provide a copy of this summary to the consumer (employee or applicant) before taking adverse action based on the results of a credit report. A copy of the report must accompany the summary.​​
  • Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave Notice - Spanish
    This notice must be posted and must also be given to an employee who is seeking pregnancy disability leave or reasonable accommodation/transfer for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition and/or who is seeking family care or medical leave. This notice applies to California employers with five or more employees (subject to the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) or Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)). You must post this notice in a place commonly used by employees, such as a break room. Employers are also encouraged to give this notice at time of hire to each new employee. This notice is also part of the California and Federal Employment Notices Poster available at the CalChamber Store.
  • Federal Family and Medical Leave Act Poster - Spanish
    This poster satisfies the required federal posting notice regarding the availability family and medical leave.

    Employers should give a copy of the FMLA notice at the time of hire if they do not publish an employee handbook. Best practice is to provide the notice at time of hire regardless of whether you also include the notice in your employee handbook.
  • Final Paycheck Acknowledgment - Spanish
    Use this form to have an employee certify receipt of final paycheck. Employers not fluent in Spanish should refer to the English version to complete this form properly.
  • Final Paycheck Direct Deposit Authorization - Spanish
    Give this form to an employee who requests his final pay delivered by direct deposit to one or more bank accounts. Before distribution, indicate the maximum number of direct deposit accounts and financial institutions.
  • FMLA - Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities - Spanish
    Use this form to notify employees taking a family and medical leave only regarding their eligibility for leave and any associated righ​ts and responsibilities.​
  • FMLA Designation Notice - Spanish
    Use this form to designate leave as FMLA only, to provide conditional approval of the request for leave if more information is necessary or to deny the request.
  • FMLA PDL Designation Notice - Spanish
    Use this form to notify an employee if their leave for PDL/FMLA is approved, conditionally approved or denied.
  • FMLA Sample Policy — 50 or More Employees — Spanish
    Use this sample to create your policy that communicates any employee requirements and gives notice to your employee of their right to Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave.
  • H-2A Agricultural Workers Supplemental Notice to Employee - Spanish
    Employer with H-2A employees must give this notice to employees no later than the day that worker begins work in California or on the first day that the employee begins work for a new H-2A employer. This is in addition to the Wage and Employment Notice to Employees (Labor Code section 2810.5). This Spanish version must be provided. If an employee requests the notice in English, then employers also must provide the English notice.
  • Harassment Complaint Form - Spanish
    Use this form to enable employees to report incidents of harassment.
  • Harassment Complaint Procedure - Spanish
    Use this form to explain your company's harassment complaint procedure. Distribute the procedure along with your nonharassment policy to new employees, unpaid interns and volunteers. Consider annual redistribution of the form. Best practices would include distribution to independent contractors.​​
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Five or More Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Less Than Five Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Heat Illness Prevention Plan — Outdoor Employees — Spanish
    Use this sample form to develop your company's plan and procedures for complying with Cal/OSHA regulations on heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. This form describes minimal steps applicable to most outdoor work settings to help prevent heat illness. Make sure to modify this sample form with specific procedures tailored to your workplace and the specific conditions at your worksites. Additional helpful information is available from Cal/OSHA.
  • Heat Illness Prevention Plan — Indoor Employees — Spanish
    Use this sample form to develop your company's plan and procedures for complying with Cal/OSHA regulations on heat illness prevention for indoor workers. This form provides information applicable to most indoor work settings to help prevent heat illness. Make sure to modify this sample form with specific procedures tailored to your workplace and the specific conditions at your worksites. Additional helpful information is available from Cal/OSHA.
  • HIPP Notice - Spanish
    Send this Spanish version at the same time you send the COBRA Notice, to notify Spanish-speaking terminating employees of special state programs that provide for the state to pay the COBRA premium under certain circumstances. Be careful not to confuse HIPP, California's Health Insurance Premium Payment Program, with HIPAA.​​
  • Human Trafficking Model Notice - English and Spanish

    ​​​Certain businesses must post this model notice providing information relating to how to report suspected human trafficking and access to help and services. Information on who must post this notice​ can be found on the Office of the Attorney ​General's Human Trafficking​​​ webpage.​

    The notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and size 16 font.​
  • Human Trafficking Model Notice - Spanish

    Certain businesses must post this model notice providing information relating to how to report suspected human trafficking and access to help and services. Information on who must post this notice​ can be found on the Office of the Attorney ​General's Human Trafficking​​ webpage.​

    The notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and size 16 font.

  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions — Spanish
    ​Both employers and employees are responsible for completing their respective sections of Form I-9 to verify legal employment eligibility. ​Use these USCIS instructions to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.​​
  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Spanish
    The Spanish version of Form I-9 may be filled out by employers and employees in Puerto Rico ONLY. Spanish-speaking employers and employees in the 50 states and other U.S. territories may print this for their reference but may only complete the form in English to meet employment eligibility verification requirements.

    See the I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions or I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions — Spanish to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.
  • Lactation Accommodation Policy - Spanish
    Provide this policy to employees which states your company recognizes lactating employees' rights to request lactation accommodation. A written policy is mandatory for all California employers, regardless of size. In addition to including this policy in an employee handbook or set of policies, you must provide this policy to employees upon hiring and when an employee asks about or requests parental leave. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Makeup Time Request - Spanish
    If you have a makeup time policy, have your employees use this form to request time off and schedule makeup time.
  • Meal Break Waiver - Employee Shift 6 Hours or Less - Spanish
    When you have a nonexempt worker who will work a shift of six hours or less and both you and the worker wish to waive the required 30-minute meal break, use this form.
  • Meal Break Waiver - Second Meal - Spanish
    When you have a nonexempt worker whose shift of more than 10 hours but no more than 12 hours, the worker has not waived his first meal break, and both you and the worker wish to waive the second required 30-minute meal break, use this form.
  • Minimum Wage Order - Spanish
    Post this official California Minimum Wage notice next to the IWC Wage Order for your industry.
  • Missed or Short Meal Period Acknowledgement — Spanish
    Provide this form for employees to acknowledge they missed or had a shortened meal period on a workday. This form also requires they acknowledge that company policy requires they take an unpaid, off-duty meal period of no less than 30 minutes whenever scheduled to work for a period of more than five consecutive hours in a workday.
  • Missed or Short Rest Break Acknowledgement — Spanish
    Provide this form for employees to acknowledge they missed or had a shortened rest break on a workday. This form also requires they acknowledge that company policy requires them to take on uninterrupted 10-minute net rest period for every four hours they work (or major fraction thereof). 
  • New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage (for Employers That Do Not Offer a Health Plan) - Spanish
    Under the Affordable Care Act, employers must provide a notice of coverage options to employees. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided this model notice for use by employers who do not offer a health plan. ​​
  • New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage (for Employers That Offer a Health Plan) - Spanish
    Under the Affordable Care Act, employers must provide a notice of coverage options to employees. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided this model notice for use by employers who offer a health plan to some or all employees.  ​
  • Notice of Final Decision to Withdraw Employment Offer - Criminal History Only - Spanish
    This form can be used to conduct a criminal background check after (1) a conditional offer of employment has been made to a job applicant and (2) the Notice of Preliminary Decision to Withdraw Employment Offer and the procedures described in it have been provided. Criminal background inquiries cannot be conducted prior to a conditional job offer and a final decision to withdraw an offer of employment based in any part on criminal history cannot be made until the Preliminary Notice and procedures have been provided.

    Use this form to notify an applicant that you have made the final decision to withdraw their conditional job offer based, at least in part, on a criminal background check.

    For information on obtaining and using criminal history, see Restrictions on Obtaining Criminal History and Obtaining Background Checks and Investigations by Employers. For information on investigative consumer reports, see Obtaining Investigative Consumer Reports.

    This form is not intended for use if you are hiring in San Francisco, the City of Los Angeles or the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County; these regions are covered by the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative in Hiring Ordinance and/or the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers.
  • Notice of Preliminary Decision to Withdraw Employment Offer - Criminal History Only - Spanish
    This form can be used to conduct a criminal background check after a conditional offer of employment has been made to a job applicant. Criminal background inquiries cannot be conducted prior to a conditional job offer. Use this form to notify an applicant that you may withdraw their conditional job offer based, at least in part, on a criminal background check. Include a copy of the report with this notice.

    For information on obtaining and using criminal history, see Restrictions on Obtaining Criminal History and Obtaining Background Checks and Investigations by Employers. For information on investigative consumer reports, see Obtaining Investigative Consumer Reports.

    This form is not intended for use if you are hiring in San Francisco, the City of Los Angeles or the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County; these regions are covered by the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative in Hiring Ordinance and/or the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers.
  • Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship - Spanish
    Use this form to notify an employee of a change in the employment relationship, such as a layoff or termination.
  • Notice to Employee: Government Inspection of Employment Eligibility Records - Spanish
    ​If you receive a Notice of Inspection from a federal immigration enforcement agency, such as Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), you must provide notice to all employees by posting this Notice to Employee (Labor Code section 90.2) in your workplace within 72 hours of receiving the Notice of Inspection. You must also post a copy of the Notice of Inspection along with this form and provide a copy of the Notice of Inspection to an employee upon reasonable request.

    In addition, you are required to: (1) post this notice in any language you normally use to communicate employment-related information to the employee; and (2) provide a copy of this notice to the employees’ exclusive collective bargaining representative(s), if any.​
  • Overtime Request - Spanish
    Provide this form to supervisors, managers and employees and train all employees in the use of this form whenever overtime work is needed or performed.
  • Payroll Records Request — Spanish
    Use this form when employees wish to review or copy payroll records.
  • Personal Chiropractor or Acupuncturist Designation Form - Spanish
    Give this form to any employee who wants to pre-designate a chiropractor or acupuncturist as treating doctor for work-related injuries.
  • Personal Physician Designation Form - Spanish
    Give this form to every employee prior to the end of the first payroll period following initial employment. It may be given as part of the Workers' Compensation Information Pamphlet, which must be provided at that time. The form must also be given to any employee who wants to pre-designate a personal physician (M.D., D.O. or medical group) as treating doctor for a work-related injury, upon request, at any time during employment.​
  • Personnel Records Request — Spanish
    Use this form when employees wish to inspect or copy their personnel file. Employees can be required to make their request in writing and employers are obligated to provide them a form for making the request.
  • Pregnancy Disability Leave Notice - Spanish
    This notice must be posted and must also be given to an employee who is seeking pregnancy disability leave or reasonable accommodation/transfer for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition. This notice applies to California employers with five or more employees. You must post this notice in a place commonly used by employees, such as a break room. This notice is also part of the California and Federal Employment Notices Poster available at the CalChamber Store.​
  • Pregnancy Disability Leave Sample Policy — Five or More Employees — Spanish
    Use this policy to satisfy the requirements regarding Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL). ​
  • Reasonable Accommodation Request - Spanish
    Use this form to begin the interactive process with an employee requesting accommodation for a disability, to obtain certification from the employee’s health care provider and to record the interactive process and all discussions and accommodations granted or denied.
  • Religious Accommodation Request — Spanish
    Use this form to begin the interactive process with an employee requesting a religious accommodation for a sincerely held religious belief, creed, practice or observance as well as record the interactive process and all discussions and accommodations granted or denied.
  • Request for Leave of Absence — FMLA/CFRA/PDL — Spanish
    Provide this form if you're an employer covered by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and either an employee has requested a leave of absence or you recognize the need.
  • Timekeeping System Sample Attestation Language — Spanish
    Use this sample timekeeping attestation language on your timesheets or on your timekeeping software platforms and services to have your employees certify that their timesheets are accurate, they have been provided with all required meal and rest periods, and that they have performed their work safety and have not been injured.
  • Timesheet Correction — Spanish
    Provide this form for employees to report any timekeeping errors.
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefit Table - Spanish
    Review this chart to determine the employee’s quarterly wage during the employment base period and the corresponding weekly benefit amount.
  • W-4 — Employee's Withholding Certificate — Spanish
    Use this required W-4 form to obtain information from an employee to determine the correct Federal income tax amount to withhold from their paychecks.
  • Wage and Employment Notice to Employees (Labor Code section 2810.5) - Spanish
    Provide this form to all nonexempt employees at the time of hire. If any change is made to the information on this form, notify employees of the change in writing within seven calendar days after the time a change was made. ​​
  • Wage Order 01 - Manufacturing - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 1 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Manufacturing Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 02 - Personal Services - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 2 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Personal Services Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 03 - Canning Freezing and Preserving - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 3 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Canning, Freezing and Preserving Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 04 - Professional Technical Clerical Mechanical and Similar Occupations - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 4 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Professional, Technical, Clerical, Mechanical and Similar Occupations.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 05 - Public Housekeeping - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 5 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Public Housekeeping Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 06 - Laundry Linen Supply Dry Cleaning and Dyeing - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 6 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Laundry, Linen Supply, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 07 - Mercantile - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 7 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Mercantile Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 08 - Industries Handling Products After Harvest - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 8 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in industries handling products after harvest.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 09 - Transportation - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 9 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Transportation Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 10 - Amusement and Recreation - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 10 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Amusement and Recreation Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 11 - Broadcasting - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 11 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Broadcasting Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 12 - Motion Picture Industry - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 12 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the Motion Picture Industry.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 13 - Industries Preparing Agricultural Products for Market, on the Farm - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 13 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in industries preparing agricultural products for market, on the farm.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 14 - Agricultural Occupations - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 14 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in agricultural occupations.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 15 - Household Occupations - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 15 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in household occupations.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 16 - On-site Construction Drilling Logging and Mining - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 16 regulates wages, hours and working conditions in the On-site Construction, Drilling, Logging and Mining Industries.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Wage Order 17 - Miscellaneous Employees - Spanish
    California’s Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders regulate wages and hours of nonexempt employees in California. Order 17 regulates wages, hours and working conditions for miscellaneous employees.


    • On the CalChamber Store, you can purchase each wage order as an all-in-one poster that conveniently combines the multiple wage order pages in one location. Both English and Spanish versions are available!
  • Workers' Compensation Claim Form - DWC 1 - Spanish
    If an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness, he or she may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits. Give this form to the employee and have them complete the "Employee" section and then return the form to you. Give the employee the copy marked "Employee's Temporary Receipt," providing the employee with a dated copy when you have completed the form. All employees should also have received a pamphlet describing workers' compensation benefits and procedures to obtain them. This form has been made available by the Department of Industrial Relations for use with non-English speaking employees.