HR Forms and Checklists

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G-L Forms

  • Guide for Pre-Employment Inquiries
    Share this fact sheet which describes acceptable interview topics with any managers responsible for hiring employees to help ensure the hiring process is nondiscriminatory
  • H-2A Agricultural Workers Supplemental Notice to Employee
    Employer with H-2A employees must give this notice to employees no later than the day that worker begins work in California or on the first day that the employee begins work for a new H-2A employer. This is in addition to the Wage and Employment Notice to Employees (Labor Code section 2810.5). The Spanish version must be provided. If an employee requests the notice in English, then employers also must provide this English notice.
  • H-2A Agricultural Workers Supplemental Notice to Employee - Spanish
    Employer with H-2A employees must give this notice to employees no later than the day that worker begins work in California or on the first day that the employee begins work for a new H-2A employer. This is in addition to the Wage and Employment Notice to Employees (Labor Code section 2810.5). This Spanish version must be provided. If an employee requests the notice in English, then employers also must provide the English notice.
  • Harassment Complaint Form
    Use this form to enable employees to report incidents of harassment.
  • Harassment Complaint Form - Spanish
    Use this form to enable employees to report incidents of harassment.
  • Harassment Complaint Procedure
    Use this form to explain your company's harassment complaint procedure. Distribute the procedure along with your nonharassment policy to new employees, unpaid interns and volunteers. Consider annual redistribution of the form. Best practices would include distribution to independent contractors.​​
  • Harassment Complaint Procedure - Spanish
    Use this form to explain your company's harassment complaint procedure. Distribute the procedure along with your nonharassment policy to new employees, unpaid interns and volunteers. Consider annual redistribution of the form. Best practices would include distribution to independent contractors.​​
  • Harassment Discipline Checklist
    Use this checklist to implement any disciplinary actions that must be taken as a result of a harassment investigation.
  • Harassment Investigation Checklist
    Review this checklist when conducting a harassment investigation for your company.

    Formerly the Sexual Harassment Investigation Checklist
  • Harassment Investigation Credibility Assessment Guidelines
    It is important to determine the credibility of those testifying as part of a harassment complaint investigation. Use these guidelines to help you determine the credibility of an interviewee.
  • Harassment Investigation Interview Guidelines
    Complete this checklist to ensure a legally complia​nt investigation in the case of a harassment complaint in your workplace.
  • Harassment Investigation Letter to Alleged Harasser
    Use this form to inform an employee accused of harassment of their rights and obligations during the investigation process.
  • Harassment Investigation Letter to Complainant
    Use this form to inform an employee making a harassment complaint of their rights and obligations during the investigation process.
  • Harassment Investigator Case Study
    Use this form as a training tool for harassment investigators.​​ Formerly, Harassment Investigator Case Studies.​
  • Harassment Prevention Policy Implementation Checklist
    Review this checklist when implementing a harassment prevention policy at your company. ​​​​
  • Harassment Prevention Training - Summary Training Record
    Use this form to track ongoing company compliance with training required by California law.

    Formerly the Sexual Harassment Mandatory Training - Summary Training Record.
  • Harassment Prevention Training Certificate
    Use this form to track harassment prevention training required for all employees under California law, and maintain in your files.

    Formerly the Sexual Harassment Training Certificate
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Five or More Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees.Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Five or More Employees — Instructions
    ​Download and read these instructions prior to using the Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Five or More Employees or the Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Five or More Employees.​​​
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Less Than Five Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Less Than Five Employees — Instructions
    ​Download and read these instructions prior to using the ​Harassment,​ Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Less Than Five Employees or the Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Less Than Five Employees.
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Five or More Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy — Spanish — Less Than Five Employees
    Provide this policy to employees which states that you prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. A written prevention policy is mandatory for California employers. You must also ensure distribution of the policy to all employees. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Hazard Communication Information Summary
    Use this form to collect information about potential hazards in your workplace. This information is critical for creating an effective and thorough Hazard Communication Program (HAZCOM).
  • Hazard Communication Program
    Use this form to create a Hazard Communication Program (HAZCOM). An effective program includes a list of persons responsible for maintaining the program, how often the program is reviewed and updated, and how employees can receive safety data sheets. ​
  • Heat Illness Prevention Plan - Outdoor Employees
    Use this sample form to develop your company's plan and procedures for complying with Cal/OSHA regulations on heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. This form describes minimal steps applicable to most outdoor work settings to help prevent heat illness.  Make sure to modify this sample form with specific procedures tailored to your workplace and the specific conditions at your worksites.  Additional helpful information is available from Cal/OSHA.​
  • Heat Illness Prevention Plan - Outdoor Employees - Spanish
    Use this sample form to develop your company's plan and procedures for complying with Cal/OSHA regulations on heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. This form describes minimal steps applicable to most outdoor work settings to help prevent heat illness.  Make sure to modify this sample form with specific procedures tailored to your workplace and the specific conditions at your worksites.  Additional helpful information is available from Cal/OSHA.​​​​​
  • HIPP Notice
    Send this English version at the same time you send the COBRA Notice, to notify terminating employees of special state programs that provide for the state to pay the COBRA premium under certain circumstances. Be careful not to confuse HIPP, California's Health Insurance Premium Payment Program, with HIPAA. ​​​
  • HIPP Notice - Spanish
    Send this Spanish version at the same time you send the COBRA Notice, to notify Spanish-speaking terminating employees of special state programs that provide for the state to pay the COBRA premium under certain circumstances. Be careful not to confuse HIPP, California's Health Insurance Premium Payment Program, with HIPAA.​​
  • Hiring Checklist
    Use this checklist when hiring a new employee to ensure that you have completed all legally required forms.
  • Human Trafficking Model Notice
    Certain businesses must post this model notice providing information relating to how to report suspected human trafficking and access to help and services. Information on who must post this notice​ can be found on the Office of the Attorney ​General's Human Trafficking​​ webpage.​

    The notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and size 16 font.
  • Human Trafficking Model Notice - English and Spanish

    ​​​Certain businesses must post this model notice providing information relating to how to report suspected human trafficking and access to help and services. Information on who must post this notice​ can be found on the Office of the Attorney ​General's Human Trafficking​​​ webpage.​

    The notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and size 16 font.​
  • Human Trafficking Model Notice - Spanish

    Certain businesses must post this model notice providing information relating to how to report suspected human trafficking and access to help and services. Information on who must post this notice​ can be found on the Office of the Attorney ​General's Human Trafficking​​ webpage.​

    The notice to be posted must be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and size 16 font.

  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification
    Use this required form for every employee to verify legal employment eligibility. Use these I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions or I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions — Spanish to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.

    How to Download
    To complete Form I-9, you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF filler application. You can open the English or Spanish versions of the form and instructions in any browser.
  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions
    ​Both employers and employees are responsible for completing their respective sections of Form I-9 to verify legal employment eligibility. ​Use these USCIS instructions to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.​
  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions — Spanish
    ​Both employers and employees are responsible for completing their respective sections of Form I-9 to verify legal employment eligibility. ​Use these USCIS instructions to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.​​
  • I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Spanish
    The Spanish version of Form I-9 may be filled out by employers and employees in Puerto Rico ONLY. Spanish-speaking employers and employees in the 50 states and other U.S. territories may print this for their reference but may only complete the form in English to meet employment eligibility verification requirements.

    See the I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions or I-9 — Employment Eligibility Verification — Instructions — Spanish to assist you in properly completing the Form I-9.
  • I-9 Retention
    Use this form to determine how long the employer needs to retain the employee's completed Form I-9.​
  • Immigrant Worker Protection Act Frequently Asked Questions
    The California Attorney General and the California Labor Commissioner created this guidance document to answer questions that are frequently asked about California’s Immigrant Worker Protection Act.​ It does not address every possible situation.
  • Immigration Enforcement Checklist
    Use this checklist to help you understand your obligations under California law when an immigration enforcement agent comes to your workplace or issues a Notice of Inspection.

    California employers must comply with strict rules passed under the Immigrant Worker Protection Act which protects workers in the state from immigration enforcement while they're on the job. Under the Act, all employers, regardless of size, must limit Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents' access to both the worksite and employee records, and they must follow notice obligations.​
  • Independent Contractors Report - DE542
    Any business or government entity that is required to file a Federal Form 1099-MISC for service performed by an independent contractor must report using this form. You must report to the Employment Development Department within twenty (20) days of EITHER making payments of $600 or more OR entering into a contract for $600 or more with an independent contractor in any calendar year, whichever is earlier. This information is used to assist state and county agencies in locating parents who are delinquent in their child support obligations. ​​
  • Individual Safety Training Certificate
    Use this certificate to document training provided to an employee, and to satisfy Cal/OSHA standard compliance. Keep the certificate in the employee's personnel file. Provide a copy of the certificate to the employee if requested.
  • Initial Safety Training Certificate
    Use this sample form to record an employee's initial formal training regarding potential occupational hazards and Codes of Safe Practices.
  • Injury and Illness Incident Report - Form 301
    Along with an accompanying Summary, you must fill out this form or an equivalent within 7 calendar days after you receive information that a recordable work-related injury or illness has occurred. Some state workers’ compensation, insurance, or other reports may be acceptable substitutes if the forms contain all the information asked for on this form. You must keep this form on file for 5 years following the year to which it pertains.​
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program Administration Guide
    Begin using this Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) administration guide before your business opens, or as soon after as possible, to ensure you meet Cal/OSHA requirements. For easy reference, print out this guide along with each form listed and review them in conjunction with one another. This will assist you in completing each of the forms.​
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program for Non-High Hazard Employers
    Use this form to create an Injury and Illness Prevention Program to meet the written program requirements of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) (8 CCR sec. 3203).
  • Injury or Illness at the Workplace Checklist
    Use this checklist to make sure you respond properly to a reported illness or injury in your workplace.​
  • Job Description
    Use this form as a guide to help you define duties for an open position for which you are recruiting a new employee or to clarify existing job duties, skills or essential functions of the job. Use also when considering temporary modified duty or when returning an injured employee to work. This is for reference only and any job description should be tailored to the specific duties and requirements of the particular job and legal requirements of the state within which you are doing business.
  • Lactation Accommodation Policy
    Provide this policy to employees which states your company recognizes lactating employees' rights to request lactation accommodation. A written policy is mandatory for all California employers, regardless of size. In addition to including this policy in an employee handbook or set of policies, you must provide this policy to employees upon hiring and when an employee asks about or requests parental leave. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Lactation Accommodation Policy — Instructions
    Download and read these instructions prior to using the Lactation Accommodation Policy.
  • Lactation Accommodation Policy - Spanish
    Provide this policy to employees which states your company recognizes lactating employees' rights to request lactation accommodation. A written policy is mandatory for all California employers, regardless of size. In addition to including this policy in an employee handbook or set of policies, you must provide this policy to employees upon hiring and when an employee asks about or requests parental leave. Download and read the Instructions prior to using this policy.
  • Last Chance Agreement Checklist for Employee with Substance Abuse Problem
    Use this checklist when creating a Last Chance Agreement to give employees that were once productive and valuable but have developed recent performance problems — and have failed to correct them when identified — a last chance to improve their performance before termination. For example, a last chance agreement might be used with an employee that has developed a recent substance abuse problem.
  • Laws That Apply to Your Organization
    This table is designed to help you quickly identify which employment laws affect you. Use the following chart to determine which labor laws apply to you based on the number of employees you have. ​
  • Leave Interaction (FMLA/CFRA/PDL)
    When an employee considers a leave, use this form to determine the relationships among the various state-mandated leaves of absence and benefits during the time off. Employees also benefit from this information.
  • Leave of Absence Notification with Pay
    Use this form to inform the alleged harasser that they're being put on a leave of absence with pay pending the outcome of a harassment investigation.
  • Local Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave and Other Employment Ordinances
    Many jurisdictions in California have passed local ordinances relating to the minimum wage and paid sick leave. Eligibility rules may vary in each jurisdiction. The minimum wage rates in these cities may change at any time, but nearly all rates are scheduled to increase every January 1 or July 1 based upon the Consumer Price Index or another index. Employers should closely monitor any ordinances that apply. Some localities also have industry-specific rates, such as specific rates for hotel workers, as well as commuter benefits ordinances. This chart is not exhaustive; an increasing number of localities have additional ordinances relating to a wide range of employment matters. Check with your local city government as to whether any other ordinances might apply to your workforce/industry.